Devs on Acid

Mastering and designing C/C++ build systems

19 Apr 2019 10:36 UTC

A Primer for build system developers and users

As the maintainer of sabotage linux, a distro compiled from source, with >1000 packages, and being involved in the development of musl libc, I've seen a wide variety of odd build systems, or regular build systems used in an odd way. Which resulted in lots of issues trying to get other people's packages building.

The vast majority of build system coders and developers using these build systems for their packages do not understand in detail how their toolchains are supposed to be used, and especially cross-compilation is a topic the majority of people knows nothing about. The intent of this blog post is to explain the basic mechanisms, to change this situation.

But first, let's establish the meaning of some terms. From here on, the term user will be used to mean the person trying to compile your software package from source. We're not concerned here about people using the compilation result via a binary package.

Now we will first take a quick look at the basic concepts involved in compilation, followed by the typical 3 stages of a build process, which are: Configuration, Compilation, Installation.

Basic Compilation Concepts

So in order to get your program compiled on a variety of different hosts, you typically need to interface with the following components:

The compiler.

For the C programming language, the convention is that on the user's system there's a C compiler installed in the default search PATH with the name cc. It can be overridden with the environment variable CC.

so if CC is set to clang, the build system should use clang instead of cc.

A sanely designed build system does something along the lines of:

if is_not_set($CC): CC = cc

For C++, the default binary name is c++ and the environment variable CXX.

Note that the user may choose to set CC or CXX to something that includes multiple items, for example CC=powerpc-gcc -I/tmp/powerpc/include.

Therefore, in a shell script, when you want to use the CC command to compile something, the $CC variable needs to be be used unquoted, i.e. $CC and not "$CC" since the latter would force the shell to look for a binary with the spaces inside the filename.

(For the record, the compiler is the program that turns your sourcecode into an object file, e.g. cc foo.c -c -o foo.o)

The linker.

Fortunately with C and C++, unless you do highly unusual things, you will never have to invoke the linker directly. instead you can simply use CC or CXX and they will know from the context that a linker is needed, and call the linker themselves. (For the record, the linker is what takes a couple .o files and turns them into an executable or a shared library, e.g.: cc foo.o bar.o -o mybinary.elf)

Compiler and linker options.

There will be a couple options you will have to use so the compilation works in a certain way. For example, your code may require the flag -std=c99 if you use C99 features.

Additionally, the user will want or need to use certain flags. For this purpose, the environment variable CFLAGS is used.

If the user didn't specify any CFLAGS himself, you may decide to set some sane default optimization flags (the default for GNU autoconf packages is -O2 -g -Wall). The CFLAGS used for the compilation should always put the user-set CFLAGS last in the command line, so the user has the ability to override some defaults he doesn't like. The following logic describes this:


For C++, these flags are called CXXFLAGS, and the logic is precisely the same.

There's also CPPFLAGS, which is used for preprocessor directives such as -DUSE_THIS_FEATURE -DHAVE_OPENGL and include directories for header lookup. More about headers soon. Again, user-supplied CPPFLAGS need to be respected and used after the CPPFLAGS the build system requires.

Last but not least we have LDFLAGS, these are flags used at link time. It contains things such as -L linker library search path directives, -lxxx directives that specify which libraries to link against, and other linker options such as -s (which means "strip the resulting binary"). Here, again, the rule is to respect user-provided LDFLAGS and put them after your own in the linker command.

From here on, whenever we talk about cc or CC or CFLAGS, the exact same applies to c++, CXX and CXXFLAGS for C++.

Libraries and their headers

When writing code in C or C++, you necessarily need to use libraries installed on the end users machine. At least, you would need to use the C or C++ standard library implementation. The former is known as libc, the latter as libstdc++ or libc++. Optionally some other libraries, such as libpng may be needed.

In compiled form, these libraries consist of header files, and the library itself, as either static (.a archive) or dynamic library (.so, .dynlib, .dll). These headers and libs are stored in a location on your user's machine, which is typically /usr/include for headers and /usr/lib for libraries, but this is none of your concern. It's the job of the user to configure his compiler in such a way that when you e.g. #include <stdio.h> it works (usually the user uses his distro-provided toolchain which is properly set up).


Cross-compilation means that you compile for a different platform than the one you're using, for example if you want to compile ARM binaries for your raspberry pi from your x86_64 desktop.

It's not really much different than regular compilation, you pass your compiler name as CC, e.g. CC=armv7l-linux-musl-gcc and set your C and CPP flags such that they point into the lib/ and include/ dirs with your other ARM stuff in it. For example, if you prepare a rootfs for your raspberry pi in /tmp/piroot, you'd probably set up your compiler-related environment vars as following:

CPPFLAGS=-isystem /tmp/piroot/include

In compiler jargon, the armv7l-linux-musl prefix to your toolchain name is the so-called triplet. All components of your toolchain are prefixed with it, for example the ar archiver is called armv7l-linux-musl-ar, the same applies for as, ld, ranlib, strip, objdump, etc.

In Autoconf-based build systems, you pass the triplet as --host=armv7l-linux-musl to ./configure, whereas Makefile-only based systems usually use a CROSS_COMPILE environment variable, which is set to triplet plus a trailing dash, e.g. CROSS_COMPILE=armv7l-linux-musl-. In your own build system, you should follow the GNU autoconf convention though.

What makes cross-compilation a bit tricky is

The Build Process

If you design a build system from scratch, keep in mind that your users probably don't want to spend a lot of time learning about your system. They simply want to get the process done as painlessly and quickly as possible (which implies that the build system itself should have as little external dependencies as possible).

Please do respect existing conventions, and try to model your build system's user interface after the well-established GNU autoconf standards, because it's what's been around for 20+ years and what the majority of packages use, so it's very likely that the user of your package is familiar with its usage. Also, unlike more hip build tools of the day, their user interface is the result of a long evolutionary process. Autoconf does have a lot of ugly sides to it, but from a user perspective it is pretty decent and has a streamlined way to configure the build.

Step1: Configuration

Before we can start building, we need to figure out a few things. If the package has optional functionality, the user needs to be able to specify whether he wants it or not. Some functionality might require additional libraries, etc. This stage in the build process is traditionally done via a script called configure.

Enabling optional functionality

Your package may have some non-essential code or feature, that might pull in a big external library, or may be undesirable for some people for other reasons.

Traditionally, this is achieved by passing a flag such as --disable-libxy or --without-feature, or conversely --with-feature or --enable-libxy.

If such a flag is passed, the script can then write for example a configuration header that has some preprocessor directive to disable the code at compile time. Or such a directive is added to the CPPFLAGS used during the build.

These flags should be documented when the configure script is being run with the --help switch.

System- or Version-specific behaviour

Sometimes one needs to use functionality that differs from system to system, so we need to figure out in which way the user's system provides it.

The wrong way to go about this is to hardcode assumptions about specific platforms (OS/compiler/C standard library/library combinations) with ifdefs like this:

#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000
/* OpenSSL >= 1.1 added DSA_get0_pqg() */
    DSA_get0_pqg(dsa, &p, &q, &g);

This is wrong for several reasons:

The proper way to figure out whether DSA_get0_pqg() exists, is... to actually check whether it exists, by compiling a small testcase using it (more below), and pass a preprocessor flag such as HAVE_DSA_GET0_PQG to the code in question.

Even worse than the above hardcoded version number check is when people assume that a certain C library implementation, for example musl, have a certain bug or behaviour or lack a certain function, because at the time they tested it that was the case. If a __MUSL__ macro would exist , they would just hardcode their assumption into the code, even though the very next version of musl might have fixed the bug or added the function in question, which would then result in compile errors or even worse, bogus behaviour at runtime.

Checking for headers

You should NEVER hardcode any absolute paths for headers or libraries into your build system, nor should you start searching in the user's filesystem for them. This would make it impossible to use your package on systems with a non-standard directory layout, or for people that need to crosscompile it (more on cross-compilation just a little further down).

The majority of third-party libraries install their headers either into a separate sub-directory in the compiler's default include path (for example /usr/include/SDL/*.h), or if there's only one or two headers directly into the include dir (for example /usr/include/png.h). Now when you want to test for whether the user's system has the libpng headers installed, you simply create a temporary .c file with the following contents:

#include <png.h>
typedef int foo;

and then use $CC $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS -c temp.c and check whether the command succeeded. If it did, then the png.h is available through either the compiler's default include directory search paths, or via a user-supplied -I incdir statement which he can provide if his libpng is installed in a non-standard location such as $HOME/include.

Note that this approach is cross-compile safe, because we didn't need to execute any binary.

If you want to use headers of a library such as SDL that installs a number of headers into a subdir, you should reference them in your code via #include <SDL/SDL.h> and not #include <SDL.h>, because the latter will require the addition of -I path include search path directives.

Checking for functions in libraries

After you've established that the user has libpng's headers installed, you might want to check whether it links correctly and whether it provides a certain function you're using (though testing for this only makes sense if the function is a recent addition).

Again, you check this by writing a temporary .c file, that looks roughly like:

#include <png.h>
int main() {png_set_compression_buffer_size(0, 0);}

the command to test it is: $CC $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS temp.c -lpng $LDFLAGS.

If the command succeeds, it means that one of libpng.a/.so is available in the compiler's default library search path, (or in some -L directive the user added to his LDFLAGS) and that it contains the function png_set_compression_buffer_size. The latter is established by using a main() function, which forces the linker to fail on missing symbols (also note the omission of -c).

If your aim is only to test whether the libpng library is installed, the test can be written as:

#include <png.h>
int main() {return 0;}

and compiled exactly as the previous. Note that this test actually checks that both the header exists AND the library, so by using this kind of test you don't actually need to test for header and library separately. Again, we merely compiled the testcase and didn't need to execute it.

Pkg-config and derivates

For simple libraries such as zlib you should always try first whether you can simply link to e.g. -lz. If that doesn't work, you can fall back to a tool called pkg-config or one of its clones such as pkgconf, which is widely used. The path to the tool is user provided via the environment variable PKG_CONFIG. If not set, the fall-back is to use pkg-config instead. It can be used like this:

$PKG_CONFIG --cflags gtk+-2.0

This will print a couple of -I include directives that are required to find the headers of gtk+2.


$PKG_CONFIG --libs gtk+-2.0

can be used to query the LDFLAGS required for linking gtk+2. Note that by default, pkg-config looks into $(prefix)/lib/pkgconfig, which is not compatible with crosscompilation.

2 solutions exist to make pkg-config compatible with cross-compilation:
Now comes the bummer:

The authors of some packages wrote their own package specific pkg-config replacement, reasoning unknown. For example, on my machine the following proprietary -config programs exist: allegro-config, croco-config, curl-config,freetype-config, gpg-error-config, icu-config, libpng-config, pcap-config, pcre-config, python-config, sdl-config, xml2-config ...

What they all have in common is that they do things differently and they are not cross-compile compatible. Usually, whenever one of them is being used by a build system, cross-compilation breakage follows. Because these tools simply return the include and library directories of the host.

Unfortunately, the authors of some of these programs refuse to write portable pkg-config files instead. OTOH, most of them require no special include dirs, and their --libs invocation simply returns -lfoo. For those few that don't (the worst offenders are apr-1-config tools from Apache Foundation), as a build system author, I suppose, the only correct way to deal with them is to not use them at all, but instead force the user to specify the include and library paths for these libraries with some configuration parameters. Example: --apr-1-cflags=-I/include/apr-1

Checking for sizes of things

In some rare cases, one needs to know e.g. the size of long of the toolchain target at compile time. Since we cannot execute any testbinaries that would run e.g.

printf("%zu\n", sizeof(long));

and then parse their output because we need to stay compatible with cross-compilers, the proper way to do it is by using a "static assertion" trick like here:

/* gives compile error if sizeof(long) is not 8 */
int arr[sizeof(long) == 8 ? 1 : -1];

Compile the testcase with $CC $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS -c temp.c.

Another way is to run e.g.

$CC $CPPFLAGS -dM -E - </dev/null | grep __SIZEOF_LONG__

This command (without the piped grep) makes GCC and derivates spit out a list of built-in macros. Only GCC and Clang based toolchains that came out during the last couple years support this though, so the static assert method should be prefered.

Checking for endianness

Unfortunately, varying platforms have provided endianness test macros in different headers. Because of that, many build system authors resorted to compiling and running a binary that does some bit tricks to determine the endianness and print a result.

However since we cannot run a binary as we want to stay cross-compile compatible , we need to find another way to get the definition. I've actually spent a lot of effort by trying dozens of compiler versions and target architectures and came up with a public domain single-header solution, that has portable fallback functions that can do endian conversions even if the detection failed, although at a slight runtime cost.

I would advise its usage, rather than trying to hack together a custom thing.

Checking for bugs and similar things

I've also come across a number of checks that required to run a testcase and therefore prevented crosscompilation from working. Mostly, these are tests for a certain bug or odd behaviour. However, it is wrong to assume that because the system the test binary currently runs on has a certain bug, the end user's system will have the same bug. The binary might for example be distributed as a package, and might suddenly start misbehaving if another component that fixes the bug is updated. Therefore the only safe and correct way to deal with this situation is to write a check that's executed when the binary is used at runtime, and then sets a flag like bug=1; and then have two different codepaths, one for a system with the bug and one for a system without it.

Cross-compile specific configuration

In GNU Autoconf, the way to tell it that you're cross-compiling is by setting a --host=triplet parameter with the triplet of the target toolchain, additional to putting the crosscompiler name into the CC environment variable. The triplet is then used to prefix all parts of the toolchain, like


etc. For the build host, there's also a parameter called --build=triplet . If not set, the configure process will try whether gcc or cc is available, and then use that. If set, all toolchain components targeting the host you're on will be prefixed with this triplet. It can be queried by running $CC -dumpmachine. Usually, it is not necessary to set it.

Checking for the target OS

As mentioned it's hugely preferable to test for functionality rather than platform. But if you really think it's necessary to figure out the target OS, do not use uname which is totally bogus. It simply returns the OS of the compiler user, who might use an Apple computer but cross-compile for NetBSD.

You can instead derive the target OS via $CC -dumpmachine, which returns the toolchain target triplet, or by parsing the output of

$CC $CPPFLAGS -dM -E - </dev/null

Configuring paths

Knowledge about system paths is required for 2 reasons. One is that during the Installation stage we need to know where files like the compiled program binary need to be installed in. The other is that our program or library might require some external data files. For example, the program might require a database at runtime.

For this reason, a --prefix variable is passed to the configure step. On most typical linux installations --prefix=/usr would be used for a system install, whereas --prefix=/usr/local is typically used for an alternate installation from source of a package the distribution provides but for some reason is not sufficient for the user. Sabotage Linux and others use an empty prefix, i.e. --prefix=, which means that for example binaries go straight into /bin and not /usr/bin, etc. Many hand-written configure scripts get this wrong and treat --prefix= as if the user hadn't passed --prefix at all, and fall back to the default. The default, btw is traditionally /usr/local.

So in case your program needs a database, let's say leetpackage.sqlite, you would probably hardcode the following db path into your binary:

#define DB_PATH PREFIX "/share/leetpackage/leetpackage.sqlite"

where PREFIX would be set as part of CPPFLAGS or similar according to the user's selection. For more fine-grained control, traditional configure scripts also add options like --bindir, --libdir, --includedir, --mandir, --sysconfigdir, etc additional to --prefix, which, if not set, default to ${prefix}/bin, ${prefix}/lib, ${prefix}/include etc.

More on paths in the Installation chapter.

Step 2: The build

After the configuration step finished, it should have written the configuration data in some form, either a header, or a Makefile include file, which is then included by the actual Makefile (or equivalent). This should include any previously mentioned environment variables, so it is possible to login in a different shell session without any of them set, yet getting the same result when running make. Some users of GNU autotools create the Makefile from a template (usually called at the end of the configure run, but I personally found this to be really impractical, because when making changes to the Makefile template, configure has to be re-run every single time. Therefore I recommend writing the settings into a file called config.mak, which is included by the Makefile.

The actual compilation is typically run by executing make, which on most systems defaults to GNU make, which is a lot more powerful than the traditional BSD makes. Its code is small and written in portable C, so it's easy to get it bootstrapped quickly on systems that don't have it yet, unlike competitors such as CMake, which is 1) written in C++ which takes a lot longer to parse than C, and 2) consists of > 1 million lines of code and 3) occupies a considerable amount of HDD space once installed. Anyway, GNU make can even be found pre-installed on the BSDs, it's called gmake there.

Here, the following conventions apply:

If a Makefile is used for building, the build process should be tested using several parallel processes, because failure to document dependencies of files properly often results in broken parallel builds, even though they seem to work perfectly with -j1.

Do note that you should not strip binaries, ever. If the user wants his binaries stripped, he will pass -s as part of his LDFLAGS.

Step 3: Installation

The Installation is typically done using the make install command. Additionally there's an important variable that distro maintainers use for packaging: DESTDIR.

If for example, at configure time, --prefix=/usr was set, then make install DESTDIR=/tmp/foo should cause stuff to be installed into /tmp/foo/usr, so if your package compiles a binary called myprog, it should end up in /tmp/foo/usr/bin/myprog. A typical install rule would look like this:

bindir ?= $(prefix)/bin


install: myprog
    install -Dm 755 myprog $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/myprog

here we use the install program to install the binary myprog to its destination with mode 755 (-m 755) and create all path compontens along the way (-D). Unfortunately, the install program shipped with some BSDs and Mac OS X refuse to implement these practical options, therefore this portable replacement implementation can be used instead.

It is a good idea and the common practice to explicitly set the permissions during the install step, because the user doing the installation might unwittingly have some restrictive umask set, which can lead to odd issues later on.

Even if the build system you intend to write does not use Makefiles, you should respect the existing conventions (unlike CMake & co which NIH'd everything) like V=1, -j8, DESTDIR, --prefix, etc.

Closing thoughts

One of the big advantages of GNU's autotools system is that, from a user's perspective, they require nothing more than a POSIX-compatible shell to execute configure scripts, and GNU make, which as already mentioned is really slim, written in portable C, and widely available while requiring less than one MB of HDD space (my GNU make 3.82 install takes 750KB total including docs).

So in my opinion, the build system of the future, in whatever language it's written in, and how many millions of lines of code it consists of, should do precisely the same: it should at least have the option to generate a configure script and a stand-alone GNU Makefile, which is shipped in release tarballs. That way only the developers of the package need the build toolkit and its dependencies installed on their machine, while the user can use the tools he already has installed, and can interface with the build system in a way he's already familiar with.


19 Apr 2019 19:34 UTC - Added paragraph "Checking for the target OS"